Well I am working on it.
I remember a long ago notion that I would ease into a "style" of dress as I matured. I have always had an idea of what I like in clothing and it has stayed fairly consistent. As it turns out though, my "style" has turned out to be more like what a 12 year old boy from the 60's might wear. If I were just to throw something on in the morning, without a thought it will be jeans, a t-shirt and a pair of sneakers. Even my sneakers look like little boy shoes. If I need something a little dressier, I put on a nicer t-shirt and pair of jeans.
So I am going to begin to pay more attention to my garb. Keeping my penchant for casual style, natural fiber and low to no print, I am going to begin building my sorry excuse for a wardrobe. I have found website filled with inspiration here. Feminine, comfortable and great fabrics.
It is like "12 year old boy style" crossed with "grown woman with income style". I know that sounds creepy but we are just talking clothing here not actual people!
It is very unlikely that I will order from this store but I am a seamstress that knows her way around a fabric store. These boots, though, may need to come and live with me someday.
I know what you mean. I have found that jewelery makes a huge difference. Not big pieces, but a set of nice earrings and a little bracelet really add a feminine touch. Check out Sundance - they have an on line outlet and sell quite a bit of organic apparel.
Thanks Lisa. That is a great idea. I am generally unadorned and some jewelry is such a simple fix. I looked through Sundance and have my eye on a few things.
ROFL! But yes, I was also under the same sort of illusion (that and the thought that one day I'd feel grown up - but even with a child who will be 16 next year and yes, he keeps reminding me, it still don't feel anymore adult than I did years ago, just much more tired ;0)
Yep. Yep. and Yep. I'm happiest in one of um...4 or 5 solid black t shirts (their closet companions are equally simple) and a pair of yoga pants, or my new found love, knit jeans from Coldwater. Oh and flip flops or my Danskos. I even own a pair of boys jeans. I have nothing trendy, really. I'm trying to incorporate some prints..it's harder that I thought it'd be! I may just continue on with my old japanese lady theme..lol!
Berry thanks so much for the link to that site , I love those clothes.
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