Wednesday, August 6, 2008


This is sweet Romy. Her name means Dew of the Sea in Latin. She is a 14" Moonchild doll.
I am really enjoying the wool yarn hair. Mohair is lovely for wig making and the effect is so natural but it sheds so much. Wool yarn feels good to the fingers, it is easy to finger comb and braiding it is a cinch.
Romy's clothing is made with Heather Ross's Mendocino fabric. Quite nice I believe.


Janice said...

There is that red hair! It looks really nice with her outfit....but it looked really bright when it was hanging on your racks. By the way, I've been doing a study....that red headed men don't go bald.(I haven't found one yet) Perhaps it is the same with dolls? Your work is delightful!

Barrie Hamby said...

Thank you! I love the red too. As for redhead men not going bald, I think Ron Howard was a redhead. Bald Bald Bald. Love him, but still bald.

Unknown said...

Awww, Romy... I Love that name ;o)
She is gorgeous as always and I also love the Mendocino fabric by Heather Ross.