So my new plan.....dye my own. No long waiting periods from the manufacturer. No need to buy way more than I need. More color choices. More work. More fun.
This is my first "real dye job" A deep chestnut brown.
I have used Lemonade Kool Aid for blonde hair and it works great! But Kool Aid doesn't come in a Sandy Brown or a decent Brunette. I can, though, mix up an awesome Mossy Green. The secret....1 pack of orange to 4-5 packs of lime.
There are so many ways to put a head of hair on a doll. I use just a few of them. Actually this is the technique I use the most. I crochet a cap and loop hair in. For the short hair dolls, I usually just make loops while I am crocheting and then cut them after the wig is sewn on. Dolls that have a brushed mohair wig sometimes get an additional piece that looks like parted hair. This is nice for doll that will end up with pig tails. Like this one:
More on hair later.
to get a nice lighter brown use orange and purple :-)
It is my go to recipe for knitting monkeys and dying my own yarn for said monkeys ;-)
I will give that recipe a whirl in the morning. Thanks!!
Oh boy yes, doll hair... I'm still learning, and I find it almost always takes me more time to finish the wig than it took me making the whole rest of the doll!
Anyway. I like the idea of dyeing your own doll's hair. I've been wanting to dye my own yarn - maybe I should start with a bit of doll's hair then? :)
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