Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Keeping up with Lunette and Berrie makes a pool

Lunette has landed in Anchorage Alaska and is visiting with Shannon and her family. You can keep up with this wee girl on a big journey by checking in with her new blog.
This picture has nothing to do with Lunette and her travels. This is me around 7 years old. I grew up near the beach in Southern California but still wanted a pool. This was my solution.


endless13 said...

ROFL!!! That is so adorable :) and clever, too!

Aimee B said...

that is hysterical! what a clever girl!

Fabs said...

jajajajaja! so, you've always been a resourceful little bit of sweetness, eh? thanks for sharing :-)

Sue said...

Sooo funny! :0)

Debra said...

A girl's gotta do what a girl's gotta do... Have you ever read "Christina Katerina and the Box"? Ѽ

panel çit said...

thanks for sharing

panel çit said...

thnaks for sharing

Happy Mami said...

What a hoot! I love this image. Even then you were a creative spirit.