Saturday, February 5, 2011

Pearl Button

Little Pearl Button is ready to go. She is a 13" Full Moon Baby. She is available in my Big Cartel shop


marirob said...

Love how you're mixing up the uploads! Blog, facebook, etsy, big cartel... keeps us Moonchild fans on our toes!!

Lil Acorns Acres said...

I love this! She is so pretty and I love all the colors! Beautiful work!

Jackie said...

so cute! full of personality,

NR said...

I love your dolls!! Where are you selling them?

Barrie Hamby said...

Than you dear ladies. NR...I sell my dolls through Etsy and Big Cartel. I don't have any available right now but will very soon. Thank you for asking.

Anonymous said...

beautiful dolls, I could say as you've done?