Friday, March 19, 2010

A peek at my Wedding Gown

Just think.....outdoors, Puget Sound and the Olympic Mountains in the background, groom in a linen suit....



barbara said...

beautiful. can't wait to see the wedding pictures:o)

Lindi said...

OOOOHHHH!!! I LOVE the dress! It is so beautiful...dreamy. The invitations are so lovely and unique. I am so happy for you almost-to-be Mrs. Hamby. xo

slralston74 said...

WOW! Your dress is absolutely GORGEOUS! I hope to see some pics of you wearing it on your big day. :-)

Unknown said...

Berrie~ I had to re~search for you!You disappeared off face book? What happened? I was watching your comments and then you vanished! Drop a note when you can. Lori (Stillman)